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  • The tower - north, most vulnerable side of the old entrance gate built at an angle to protect square tower on the base of 5.5 meters. It was hollow and about 25 meters high. He walked into it after the wooden bridge opposite the old palace. Mustek defenders could in times of danger and thereby remove the tower has become inaccessible.

     Dolní nádroří s horním hradem 

  • The Old Palace - The Old Castle Palace formed the southern and western part of the core. Apparently consisted of three areas for habitation and the attic. According to the findings of the interiors equipped with a tiled stove, the basking area. Part of the palace later became the small chapel.

         Hrad Orlík - horní nádvoříHrad Orlík - torze hradní kaple navazující na původní bránu uhradu okolo roku 1400

  • Gate and Bastion - Second gate and bastion are part of the fortress, which was written sometime in the mid-15th century by the Lords of Leskovac. Today, these two structures one of the most pristine in the whole castle. The gate is easy to see that the entrance to protect her little dvojkladkový drawbridge and a pair of gates. Side gate leading to the front of the tower, probably originally protected by the moat. Basta is a nice example of the fortification techniques of the mid-15th century.

        Hrad Orlík - pohled od východu z prvního valuHrad Orlík - současná druhá hradní brána vybudovaná v 1.polovině 15 st.

  • Castle kitchen - This building near the first gate was originally a bastion in which Leskovcové Trček or set up the castle kitchen. In 1996, archaeological research has found remains of a bread oven, open fireplace and barbecue (the bread oven was later restored and is now working).

         Hrad Orlík - hradní kuchyně s původní a dodnes funkční chlebovou pecí Hrad Orlík - sázení chleba do pece

  • New Palace and Bastion - In the northern part of the area was in the 16 new century Renaissance palace with adjoining bastion that protected the main entrance. With all the new complex to this day preserved masonry. Are there any visible window openings and pockets ceiling beams. 
    Hrad Orlík - dolní hradní nádvoří
  • Attractions - Rekonstuovaná bread oven, well corrected in the castle Orlik, for seeing is a modern functional replica medieval pottery kilns. Around the castle through the trail Brezina - each stop to Humpolecke history, natural attractions.

            Hrad Orlík - replika keramické pece z období 15 st.  Hrad Orlík - miniaturní svíčkařská pícka

Below the castle